Noah Wieczorek started his journey in a small, humble town called Vevay, located in the southeastern part of Indiana. Over the years he has traveled the world, lived in many different places across the states, but has found some footing around the Lexington area of Kentucky. He is there with his girlfriend and her two cats, who definitely keep him on his toes.

He never thought of ever becoming a writer, but he always enjoyed making poetry. The spark that ignited that passion was music, which motivated him to attend online courses at Full Sail University for Music Production.
Throughout the years he has written many poems, most of which are in this compendium. In a sense, he has been chronicling his journey with the writings. His first poem to be published was written in High School and is in the Library of Congress, as part of a nationwide contest.

Noah enjoys writing poetry, playing video games and Dungeons & Dragons with his friends, spending time with his lovely girlfriend, and bringing joy and peace to the world.