Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of four new workshops to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Workshop Additions:

The Business End of Publishing: Presenter – Lynda Rees. Authors and Creative Business Owners, You are completing a story or creating your product. Now, you must take your author hat off and don your CEO hat. You are the owner of your business. You are your Brand. What do you do now? What options do you have? How do you take charge of your career? It isn’t complex, but there is a learning curve. (60 min)

The Fun of Making Stuff Up and Infecting Other With the Weird Stuff Inside Our Brains: Presenter – Anton Cancre. We all want to sell our work. We want to improve our work. We want to get our work into the eyes of readers. That’s why we’re here. But, in the process, we tend to get caught up in the mechanics of it. We worry about meeting word counts and deadlines and figuring out what we can write that meets the desires of certain publishers or certain markets of readers. Then we fixate on promotion. Then we start in on the whole commodification process again. There is nothing at all wrong with that. Writing is a business and we all strive to be professionals within that business. We know going in that it will be work.

But, in the process of all of this, we tend to forget why we started doing this in the first place: THE FUN OF MAKING STUFF UP AND INFECTING OTHERS WITH THE WEIRD STUFF INSIDE OUR BRAINS! So, let’s pause in pursuit of grandeur. Let’s pump the brakes on filling our heads with techniques to make our products more pleasing to others. Let’s get together, try to forget about the business end of this business and just have a little fun. (60 min)

Haiku & You: Presenter – Anton Cancre. This workshop is for poets of all levels, from pros to people who have never strung together a haiku. We will play several writing games to kickstart your creativity. Time will be given to write, then we will share the joy of creation. No critiquing. No rewrites. No workshopping. No stress. (60 min)

Storytelling Through Tarot: Presenter – Sako Tumi. Cass Voit, horror author, will walk you through the creation of characters and run said characters through an outline using the Biddy Tarot meets the Hero’s journey. See what elements we pull from the tarot, and still manage to keep it a low stress system while making an exciting story. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit:

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