Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of six new workshops to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Workshop Additions:

Audiobook How-To: Presenter – J.L. Hutchins. This presentation will cover things you need and need to know on how to create your own audiobook! We’ll cover equipment like microphones, software, computers and everything else needed. Jeffery will present a quick overview of the entire process and about how long it may take you to finish you audiobook. We’ll also talk about marketing, ACX – Audible, and other platforms where you can sell your audiobook. Followed by a Q&A session. (60 min)

Death, Taxes and Freelancing: Presenter – Elizabeth Donald. Let’s face it, if we were good with money, would we be writers? Learn how to manage the money side of being a writer and file with Uncle Sam in ways that helps keep you from paying too much while also not going to prison. Elizabeth Donald is not a tax professional, so don’t sue, but she’s been doing her own bookkeeping and taxes for freelance writing and other entrepreneurial misbehavior since 1994 and knows ways to help the math-challenged figure out the money stuff. (60 min)

Nevermore: Edgar Allan Poe and The Raven: Presenter – Elizabeth Donald. Join Elizabeth Donald for a look at Poe’s life and work, and how the tragedies that followed him influenced his most famous poem to the extent that it is carved on his tombstone. (60 min)

Selling Your Books at Cons and Signings. Presenter – Elizabeth Donald. From Dragoncon to the local swap meet, in 20 years Elizabeth Donald has set up to sell her books and art in a wide variety of environments. Find out how to make cons and workshops work for you, how to choose events that will pay off and the best general practices for selling your work without being That Writer. Survive panels, dealer’s rooms, swag, money management, booth design, obnoxious patrons (and other writers) and keep your sanity. Kinda. (60 min)

Woohoo, You’re a Published Author! You’re Living the Dream … or Are You?: Presenter – Randi Perrin. What is the dream anyway? Is it financial freedom? The need to no longer have a day job? The desire for complete creative control over your work? Some people say you’ll make more money self-pubbing. You don’t have to split your royalties with a publishing house anymore. BUT… there’s also an investment you have to make. (Trade-offs – we have them.) We will talk about when it’s time to jump from traditional publishing to self-publishing and what you need to do now, beyond just writing the book. There are a bunch of hidden surprises and you need to be prepared for them. Topics we’ll discuss: · Why authors go traditional publishing vs self-pub · Going wide versus Amazon only · Things you need beyond writing a good book · Picking keywords to make your book easy to find · Book Marketing (high level – if you want more in-depth information, please check out the other workshops/panels regarding marketing strategies. (60 min)

Writing to Market: Presenter – William Joseph Roberts. Not sure why your story isn’t getting picked up? Join us for this discussion of writing to market and how to hit the mark with your audience. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit:

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