Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of three new panels to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Panel Additions:

How Important are Awards?: Moderator – TBA. Listen as creative industry professionals discuss how important winning an award is for your brand, book, game, and ultimately your sales, and how to use that award or finalist/nominee designation effectively. We will also talk about the mental health aspects of winning or losing an award. (60 min)

Streaming Distribution: Moderator – TBA. Learn how to submit your work, how they work, and what deals you can obtain from the plethora of streaming services. We will discuss how streaming options allow more opportunities for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard. This leads to an increase in the variety of productions, leading to an increase in consumer views. (60 min)

Wrestling & Writers: Moderator – Donald R. Guillory. Wrestling is the greatest form of theater, encompassing nearly every aspect of the creative arts. In this panel, we will discuss everything that you can learn from professional wrestling to develop your storytelling regardless of your area of concentration. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit:

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