Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of a new panel and five new workshops to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Panel Addition:

Writing Nature Settings: Moderator – Alan Goldstein. A discussion on writing nature settings within the genre of creative fiction. (60 min)

New Workshop Additions:

Critique Groups: A Writer’s Friend or Waste of Time?: Presenter – Alan Goldstein. Writer’s groups are often cited in the acknowledgements of books, including by many successful authors. But can you benefit? This workshop explores the many faces of critique groups, how they function, frequency of meetings, factors to measure success, and determining whether their goals and objectives mesh with yours. (60)

Efficient Editing: Presenter – Angie Andriot. Editing can be tough. Whether you’re facing your own sloppy first draft or sitting in a critique group reading someone else’s pages, it can be hard to know where to start. This workshop offers a structured approach to editing by presenting a hierarchy of editorial concerns. Following this framework enables you to pinpoint and address the most significant issues in a piece, resulting in more efficient and effective editing. From understanding what ‘show don’t tell’ really means, to using dialogue effectively, you will leave this workshop armed with a comprehensive checklist of key considerations for enhancing your fiction editing endeavors. (60 min)

SoulCollage (Writing Prompts): Presenter – Lisa M. Miller. SoulCollage, an internationally celebrated process for accessing intuition’s deepest creative muscle. Using images and matching writing prompts, participants will discover a fantastic new way of accessing the characters and stories living just below conscious awareness, ready to be discovered and voiced. For first time participants, the process is often surprising and deeply meaningful while the tools of the method can be used again and again to access more creative wingspan. While SoulCollage®️ is useful for discovering inner poems, characters and stories, this technique is especially useful for breaking out of writing blocks, stagnation and boredom—and great for preventing writing lulls. (90 min)

Utilizing Life Experiences: Presenter – Dr. Dawn Menge. How to turn your life experiences into award winning books and sharing your passions with the world. (60 min)

Writing Historical Fiction: Presenter – Donald R. Guillory. History is how we understand change throughout the existence of the world. How do we incorporate history into our writing and how do we make it matter for our readers? “Writing Historical Fiction” seeks to teach attendees the methods and significance of using real world events to shape their narratives for their audiences. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit: