Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes F. Paul Wilson as our Guest of Honor!

A New York Times best-selling author, F. Paul Wilson is one of the most highly respected writers in the nation! With over fifty books in multiple genres, F. Paul has enthralled readers for decades with his storytelling, including the immensely popular Repairman Jack novels, crime thrillers, horror thrillers, science fiction, and much more!

Many of F. Paul’s storied have been adapted to the screen, such as his novel The Keep (by Michael Mann) and his story “Pelts” (by legendary filmmaker Dario Argento).

F. Paul has also won many major literary awards, including the Bram Stoker Award, the Prometheus Award, The Inkpot Award, the Pioneer Award, and many others.

Attendees have a great opportunity at this year’s Imaginarium Convention to meet and learn from a truly masterful fiction writer of our time.

We are elated to have F. Paul Wilson joining us this summer for Imaginarium 2021, for our in-person event! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives of all genres and their fans, now with both virtual and in-person events to give everyone more options than ever for accessing our great content!

For more on Imaginarium 2021, please visit: