Imaginarium 2017 Workshops

Michael Knost SHOWING vs TELLING (be sure you know) “90% of all students who have taken this workshop gave an incorrect answer when (at the beginning of the class) I presented them with a sentence and asked if it was a SHOWING sentence or a TELLING sentence. Showing vs telling can be confusing on a number of levels, but this workshop will have you (just as every former student) walking away without a doubt concerning which is which, and how to better utilize both in your writing. We will use a fun visual aid that will make it so easy to understand. 60 mins
Tim Waggoner Build a Better Monster: Learn techniques for creating new, interesting, and exciting monsters. 60 mins
Lucy Synder Sharpen Your Point of View What first, second, and third person viewpoints mean, and why and how to use them in fiction, creative nonfiction, and games. 90 mins
C.S.Marks Pitch Perfect So you just got into a elevator with an agent/publisher/film scout. He/she turns to you and .says,”Tell me about your work in progress.” You have approximately thirty seconds to hook the potential deal of a lifetime. Well, ok…on a more realistic level, how many of us have dealt with potential buyers at our vendor tables? They ask questions and we stand there slack-jawed…fumble-mouthed…

The art of pitching a product, especially a creative work, is honed and perfected with practice. Come to our workshop, share, and learn to hook Stephen Spielberg in thirty seconds or fewer, should you ever find yourself in an elevator with him! Workshop requirements: ready mind, sense of humor, thick skin.

90 mins
Michael Williams Myth and Fiction Whether from their time-honored structure and plotting, their inherent sense of mystery and wonder, or their willingness to take on the large and important human issues, ancient myths remain among the best stories in all cultures. Imitating them, adapting them, or even just thinking about them can add depth and power to your own fiction, and in this workshop, we’ll discuss and practice ways of doing just that. 90 mins
Lacy Marie Mental Health for Creatives Covering mental health concerns for creatives. 90 mins
JD Conrad World Building for Gaming and Fiction Creating an evocative and detailed setting is important for authors, game designers and game masters. This workshop would cover guidelines on using real world history and science to build a frame work for a realistic world. Then how to flesh it out using inspiration from myth, fiction and pop culture. 90 mins
Michelle Lee Supernatural biology Making paranormal creatures realistic 90 mins
Brian Hatcher A Road Map to Schenectady: Where Do Ideas Come From? It would contain practical advise, the latest brain science, and my experience as a creative person, to show how the brain comes up with ideas, how that process can become more efficient and dynamic, and how we can turn our brains into idea machines. 90 mins
Stu Thaman Marketing 101 Discussing different ways to market and trends. 90 mins
Elizabeth Donald Business of Writing: What to Do After “TheEnd.” So you finished the book – now comes the hard part! Learn about publishing contracts and how to negotiate them, what’s standard and what’s a trap; launching and managing an online presence with social media; how to handle the money and taxes; the challenges specific to self-publishing as well as for traditional publishing; developing a marketing strategy; dealing with bookstores and signings, the tour circuit – and don’t forget to have a life! 120 mins
John Pyka Unleash Your Super Powers workshop Unleash Your Superpowers! In the Dieselpunk Pulp adventure Tales From The
Flip-Side, it is revealed that Big Daddy Cool & The Bombshell Kittens are super
powered defenders of reality posing as mere entertainers. Now that they are firmly
planted in the 21st Century, they are seeking out other superhumans to train to
unleash their hidden powers and join the fight against evil! Johnny teaches
attendees three easy to master magic tricks that look like real super powers! These
come straight from Johnny’s upcoming new book Super Powers 101 and are within the
skill level of all ages. Best of all, everyone who attends will get a free copy of
the Super Powers 101 e-book!
60 mins
Alison Sky Richards Writing Believable Action Scenes This would include choreographing action scenes, history of weapons, how to build fantasy/magic weapons and sci-fi based weaponry, realism vs unbelievable. 90 mins
Cassandra Morgan Self Publishing 101 Aspects of self publishing. 90 mins
Kristi Bradley The Villainous Antagonist This workshop concentrates on the antagonist being a true villain. I mean a villain who will make the skin crawl, chill the reader, challenge the hero, and give excitement and depth to the story. I’m talking a villain who has personality, principles, feelings and conflicts. We will discusses the lines between good and evil and break down the personalities of typical villains into archetypes to help the writer decide which type of villain would serve their plot best. 90 mins
Jack Wallen Audiobooks from Start to Finish Jack Wallen discusses the ins and outs of audiobook production from the perspective of an author and a narrator. 60 mins
David Simms Music & The Writer: Bring Rhythm To Your Writing “Music has been proven to alter the brain, the body, speech, and yes, even writing. This highly interactive workshop will give you the tools to inject rhythm to your writing, melody to your stories, all without much effort. Learn how music can change your writing, affect your brain, and stoke creativity.
Based on over a decade of my own research and hundreds of years of evidence, music as a tool has been proven to be effective. Last year’s attendees testified they have altered their writing habits – this works (probably because it’s not my idea!)”
60 mins
Herika R. Raymer Importance of Cover Art Your cover art entices readers – what do you have on yours? 60 mins
William Alan Webb Mining history Turning points in history, where one man changed the history of the world, are countless. Using these as the basis for your fiction. 60 mins
Kolin Mofield Spark. Igniting the creative side of the brain. Busting writer’s block through science. As authors, screenwriters, filmmakers and most creatives, we’ve all fallen in a plot hole, hit a blank page wall, or struggled to find that perfect phrase or concept. Utilizing a hands-on approach developed by leading neurologists, your subconscious mind can be encouraged to find solutions. Using experiments designed to stimulate creativity, what previously seemed elusive or out of reach, can easily become an intuitive spark. Join Kolin Mofield as we explore the scientific technique of not thinking about it at all. 90mins
Thomas Moore Guerilla of Filmmaking Film school? NO. – Education? YES!,- Money? Ins and out of fimmaking. 60 min
Clifford VanMeter Book Design A discussion in book design. 60 mins
Anton Cancre Writing Speculative Poetry: an introduction A short description and discussion of the features and forms that distinguish Speculative poetry from traditional literary or confessional poetry followed by prompted writing and sharing of the work written during the workshop. 60 mins
John Riser/Eric Roper Indie Film Making : Planning the Movie This workshop will reveal what to look for in a low budget screenplay, hiring the crew, what actors to cast, solving production problems, staying on schedule and on budget and much more. 90 mins
Lana Dean Highfill Fan Fic Open Mic: Have you written short stories, poems, or songs about your fandoms? Do you have an interpretive dance routine for the theme music of your favourite geeky TV show? Throw on your beret and give us your best performance (in 5 minutes or less). We provide the stage & a mic. The rest is up to you. All genres & fandoms welcome. Come early to sign up. 120 mins
Michele Lee Supernatural Creature Biology Making paranormal creatures realistic. 60 mins
Rochelle Weber Proper Grammar Proper use of grammar. 60 mins
WR Peden Art of Design graphic design/coverart/layout design 60mins
Sela Carsen Incorporating Fairy Tale Structures Into Your Work Once Upon a Time…
A writer decided that the world needed more fairy tales. That meant that more writers needed to know about how fairy tales are put together. So she did some research…
This workshop discusses Prop’s narrative structure, as well as fairy tale archetypes, themes, styles, and interpretations.
60 mins
Cameron McCasland Screenwriting for DIY Filmmakers A conversation about Indie film and its special consideration in screenwriting. 60 mins
Jim Gillentine Love and Blood: Writing Paranormal Romance Jim Gillentine will be speaking on the subject of writing Paranormal Romance. Discussing mixing different genres, and making sure that the rules of romance writing are followed, he will show beginning writers his take on mixing love and blood. 60 mins
Angela Ramsey Robinson Unleashing your Creative Potential Creative journaling exercises and experiential activities that would benefit any artist or writer, regardless of skill level. ( No visual art experience required.) 90 mins
Angela Lawson Creatures Never Before Seen — FX Makeup Demo from Rayden Valkyrie Series Monstrous beasts, supernatural powers and creatures never before seen are part of the adventures of fantasy heroine Rayden Valkyrie.

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into taking characters from the written page and putting them on film, this one hour demo by FX makeup artist, Angela Lawson, will show you how. From explaining the concept to demonstrating the actual prosthetic application and airbrush technique, class participants will learn the fundamentals of being able to create a dweller from the Rayden Valkyrie series.

This course is a must for any Rayden Valkyrie fans and also beginner-intermediate cos-players looking to learn professional FX makeup tips.

60 mins
Patricia Loofbourrow Transmedia for Authors Unlike multimedia – a book turned movie – transmedia tells a story across various media forms. The Animatrix, the Potterverse, and the Star Wars Extended Universe are all parts of transmedia projects. This workshop shares one author’s experience with transmedia and shows how this art form can benefit your writing and business. 60 mins
John Pyka Dieselpunk 101 This is a performance panel featuring “Big Daddy Cool”. John is theproducer and host of THE Dieselpunk Podcast, The Diesel Powered Podcast. He is also.
a 30 year professional live entertainer specializing in Dieselpunk magic, music and
variety. In this interactive panel, Johnny opens with a signature performance of
Minnie The Moocher (as BDC) then walks the audience through Dieselpunk, followed by
Q&A from the audience that includes an in-depth interactive discussion about
Dieselpunk in pop culture; movies, music, comics and TV properties that are or
feature Dieselpunk elements; including Indiana Jones, Wonder Woman and Fantastic
Beasts! This panel also seeks to answer the question once and for all: “Is Star Wars
Dieselpunk?” The panel concludes with a magical performance of Mack the Knife to
demonstrate Dieselpunk in practice as a fusion genre. Live video streaming of the
panel from your convention may also be available.*
90 mins
J. Welin Indie Sci Fi film making and writing Developing a story, building a project and the process of filming and gaining an audience. The history of the project and how to use the tools available to get your vision out in the age of the internet. 90 mins
Abigail Keam/Teresa Reasor Marketing Marketing strategies in Today’s Market 60 mins

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