While we get ready with a number of new updates and the opening of an early-registration special for Imaginarium 2015, we are offering very special early pre-launch rates for registrations and vendor hall space over the next two weeks! Registrations that will be $65 at the regular rate you can secure today at just $40, and vendor hall space that will be $90 at the regular rate you can get for just $60 up until November 3rd! For the pre-special registration rate, visit: http://www.entertheimaginarium.com/attendee-registration/ For the pre-special vendor rate, visit: http://www.entertheimaginarium.com/vendor-registration/ Act early and get great savings on Imaginarium 2015!Read More →

Imaginarium 2014 is now accepting volunteer applications, for those would would like to help out during the weekend in exchange for a pass to the full event. Previous experience as a volunteer is not a necessity, but if you have some experience with conventions it is a big plus.  Some areas where volunteers will be able to help include registration, panel track monitoring, film festival, art show, security, metal show, dealer room, gaming, banquet/awards, and guest services. Just click on the link below for full info and to come aboard! Volunteer Information and Sign-up FormRead More →