Matt was born in Australia, where he was raised by a wisdom of wombats. After three decades living under a rock, in the outback, Matt heard the call of destiny and moved to the U.S to see what else life had for him. A Solutions Architect by day, husband and father in the evenings, Matt transforms into a storyteller demon at night, being at the mercy of a sinister mind that awakens after 9:00 p.m. A far cry from the six-year-old, who promised his 1st Grade Teacher he would “write more stories.” Many years of coaching sports, playing chicken with trucks on a bicycle, and eating price tags followed, Matt finally came home to writing and the opportunity to deliver on his promise.

He self-published a book, which was an award winner, and then pulled it from publication once he landed a literary agent. Together, they are now sending this story out, along with a new project, to editors at publishing houses for mainstream publication. He also other projects in the works, with interested parties in both the literary and media worlds, waiting to receive his work.

Matt has attended Imaginarium before, and is a panel veteran.

Matt currently lives in Tampa with his wife Susan and children Reece and Charlotte, whom Matt describes as “the greatest story I have.”