David Simms lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia after escaping New Jersey and Massachusetts. A teacher of psychology, English, and creative writing, counselor, music therapist, ghost tour guide, and book reviewer, he moonlights in the Slushpile band on lead guitar after co-founding the Killer Thriller Band, despite sounding akin to a grade school garage band.

He has sold several short stories which have been published in various anthologies, some of which aren’t terrible.

DARK MUSE is his MG/YA crossover novel that ventures into musical dark fantasy and celebrates the many students who’ve changed his life. FEAR THE REAPER is a thriller that’s mostly true story about the eugenics movement in America – basically, how we directly influenced Hitler and began a truckload of horrors right here in the states.

CURSE OF THE BARRENS is his new MG novel for Ameri-Scares, which is currently under option to Warner Bros.