PicforChrisCarma Haley Shoemaker began her writing career as freelance writer, composing magazine articles for both online and print publications. Her work has appears in various national glossies such as Pregnancy, Baby Years, and Women’s Health and Fitness. Recently a victim of empty-nest syndrome, Carma now focuses her time and attention to fiction. 

Her first novel, Sheltered, was published by Trifecta Books in December of 2015. Her second novel, Family Recipe, is due to be released in November 2016. Carma has several titles scheduled for publication in the near future, including an individual release in April 2017, a trilogy in July 2017, and a WIP that will be part of a series collection in October 2017. She will also have a short story included in a regional anthology in early 2017.

Carma is the founder and administrator of the North Central Ohio Writers (NCOWs). The group was founded in 2005. It provides opportunities to regional area writers to gather and exchange ideas, offer support, encouragement, provide critiques and feedback, as well as attend monthly workshops. In addition, Carma is also the Senior Administrator of the Momwriters.com online organization, and is a long-time NaNoWriMo ML for the North Central Ohio region.

A “nurse by trade, and a writer by nature,” Carma finds herself drawn to Fantasy, Supernatural/Paranormal, and Romance genres, but has dabbled in Chick Lit, Crime Drama, Sci-Fi as well.

Thriving in a sense of organized chaos, her hobbies include dance, movies, music, and watching more episodes of the Supernatural television series than one person probably should.

To learn more about Carma, or to follow her on social media, visit her website at www.carmicwords.com.