Are you a mystery writer?  Or maybe you are an avid reader of mysteries.  Either way, the panels here are perfect for writers and readers alike!


Mysteries Today: What are the hot elements of today’s best-selling mysteries? What might lie just ahead? A discussion of the genre’s trends in today’s publishing climate.

The Art of Mystery: Mystery is a pretty predictable genre – major conflict, plot twists, good guys turned bad… but sometimes the tropes can be a little too trope-ish. Join the discussion on the best way to write a good mystery without being silly.

The Big Reveal: Plot Twists are an important part of mystery writing. Ever wonder how to keep yours from sounding trite or goofy? Come talk to our experts about how they establish and reveal twists and turns in mystery settings without being corny.

The Dead of Night: Panelists discuss popular trends in Hardboiled and Roman Noir Fiction.

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