A self-described No Budget Film Maker, Nilen “Keith” Munden has over a decade and a half of experience in the film making industry. With over 25 films in post-production, Mr. Munden has lived experience in what it takes to make a great film. Mostly Horror, Science Fiction and Suspense, Keith’s films are mutli-award winning and Keith himself was the 2016 Bowling Green State University – Firelands College Outstanding VCT (Video Communications Technology) student. Living in Sandusky, Ohio, Keith films are all local works, transforming the small Lake town into the fictional Luna Pier where his characters come to life in the form of Witches, Demons and Cult Followers. Other works by Mr. Munden involve his beloved Zombie Genre (Infected, Dead Evolution, A Safe Place.) a Vigilante Scarecrow (Harvest of Blood,) and mental health groundhogs day (Tick-Tock.) Stay Tuned for more from LegacyVerse Productions, LLC.